Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wed. 10/27/10, MUSIC & ELLs

I found an article on the CAL website on the topic of using music to teach ELLs. In response to RQ2-What factors do Third Age ELLs perceive as supporting their learning? (Subquestion: What sociocultural factors do they anticipate to support their learning?), my finding is that in addition to information on American holidays and reading brief histories on the origin of American foods, e. g., pizza, musical lyrics are one of the most popular ways to teach American culture. "Quite simply, no better activity can be found as an overall in-class motivator. Put more colloquially, music rocks!" (Lem, 2005, 15). Lem submits that lyrics can be probed on three levels: reading comprehension, vocabulary building and culture. Also, ELLs' listening comprehension in a new language can be improved by listening to songs (Vygotsky, 1978, as cited by Lem, 2005).

Music received attention from teachers and learners alike. Lisa and Nancy spoke about using music in their classrooms as did learners, Graciela and Elida.
Reference: Lems, K. (2005), Music works: Music for adult English language learners. Television is an additional supporting factor for learners since it is both visual and auditory. Orlando and Mimose talked about their need for more listening practice. Orlando said that watching and listening to TV shows such as the History Channel and Animal Planet helps him the most and Elida said that she watches and listens to the morning news in English. Elida also said she memorized the lyrics of her favorite American female singer, Natalie Cole.

In Ch. 5, I will recommend that ELLs in the program be surveyed to see what sociocultural activities they most like. Three to four options will be given and learners will be asked to rank them using a Likert Scale, e.g., I learn American culture best when talking about popular topics in conversations; I learn American culture best by listening to popular song lyrics; I learn American culture best by completing grammar worksheets on cultural topics; I learn American culture best by listening to songs on CDs; I learn American culture best by watching video programs on culture and talking about them in class.

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