Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday, 10/15/10, WR interviews w/Ernesto & Olga

Sociocultural Benefits of Volunteer Work:
Graciela and Olga both have spoken about the benefits of volunteer work. For Graciela, the direct benefit has been improving and practicing her English conservsation skills (get quote). She was able to feel comfortable in Anglo culture b/e she had a sales ability and a love for people. She also was able to hold employment in the retail field in South Florida prior to the progression of her retinitus pigmentosa. Volunteering for Lighthouse Point for the Blind has offered her support as well as a way to cope with her disease. Her English communication skills are improved because of her volunteer work as well.
Olga, by comparison, only volunteers in service of Latino, Spanish-speaking people and speaks in Spanish rather than English with them. This helps her to address her social needs but not her linguistic isolation. Therefore, her English conversation skills have not improved significantly in seven years.

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