-Made changes to Procedures section in diss. tonight (collapsed three interviews to one interview with one more meeting for member checking and follow up with the intent of building trust).
-Changed six to eight teachers.
-Changed letters to the Literacy Contacts and Lit. Coordinator (# of interviews, # of teachers).
-Started Mimose's transcription.
-Emailed and heard from Suzi re: her trip to see Lisa on 10/20. Also, she will be co-teaching with Sandy on Sat. 10/23.
-Will see if Mimose mails me back any essays. Same with Aida. So far, Aida has not replied to my email about when she graduated from Gold Coast.
In my Ch. 4 Findings, I need to note about the conflict older learners have gone through with their grandchildren, i.e., their negative attitudes towards their difficulty with English. This is a finding of Weinstein-Shr's (1995) about sociocultural factors that support older learners' language acquisition. One is the attitudes of professionals, a second is the responses of employers, and the third is families and communities. Fourth is the beliefs and assumptions of elders themselves. See Nancy and Myra's interviews.
Literacy for older age cohorts is enhanced when 1.) educators feel they have much to learn as well as teach; b.) they have actual job opportunities to advance, 3.) have a chance to break out of their isolation (see Aida's and Graciela's interviews), and 4.) they can spend time with peers engaged in learning (Aida, Graciela).
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