Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tues. Sept. 21, 2010

I spoke with Dr. Bryan over the phone today. I asked her about the RQs revealing different motivatons than what I orginally expected. The learners are more motivated by their need to communicate in English and to learn to pronounce properly, and secondarily, to learn some grammar. For example, Orlando.

I do think that the older ones (age 60 to 64) have more of a need to be supported by a group of like-minded learners and their teacher(s), e.g. Graciella.

She has no problem with me adding more learners to my participant pool, especially if I am interviewing them and taking less interviews (1 to 2, rather than 3) to gather my data.

She put the screws to me and said that I need to have a rough draft of my Ch. 4 to her by mid-December. Also, I need to defend sometime in January. I also need to have my Plan of Study and my Applicaton for the Degree in now for approval.

I called Jimena today and learned that her Basic English class only has two learners in it right now. She told me that Melinda is not listing it on the ESOL class flyer...I asked her for an interview and I was able to set up an interview with her for next Wed.! I am looking forward to it. In fact, I would rather get this interview than one with Melinda right now.

I asked about Becky and her students and Jimena said that they have been meeting in each other's homes rather than in the library. So I will not call on Becky for now.

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