Today I received an email response from Heddy Cuthberson of Margate Branch. She tells me that all of her students are over age 65! I am amazed. I am also glad that she did not just decide to ignore my email...
I am debating about observing and interviewing her anyway...I will email her back on Monday, 9/13.
9/11/10, 11 pm
I just finished typing up Nancy's transcript. It was 26 pages long and must have take me 3 hours to type. It took about 4 hours to transcibe the interview.
I feel that I have some good quotes, however, re: the "barriers" of older ELLs. In particular, when she talks about a woman who came here to live with her granddaughter because her daughter (the girl's mother) had died. How mean the granddaughter was to her b/c she could not speak English, and how difficult it must have been for the grandmother, an adult learner, to come and live with this mistreatment.
Motivators to Attend Class:
-For teachers, it is b/c the learners are so motivated & appreciative to have the classes (Pam, lines 480-498)
-To practice speaking in Enlgish (everyone)
-To come to a place there they know they will be held accountable to speak English (Guy, 151-152; Janine, Lisa, etc.)
-The comradeship (Pam, lines 503-519; 532-533; 536-538)
-To get to meet and know people (Hector, line 552; Sandi, line 49).
-To feel welcomed and respected (Sandi, line 242-243; Pam ).
-To communicate w/ children & grandchildren (Ann, Myra, Nancy, Lisa's email, etc.
-To pass the U.S. Citizenship exam (Orlando-Adult Screening interview (not transcribed).
-To teach manners to grandson in English (Ann, 284-85)
-The class helps them to feel less embarrassed/self conscious about trying to speak English; gives them a better comfort level (Lisa's class discussion; Ann, 373-380)
-To communicate w/people at church (Ann)
-Students are in transition times (Ann, 190-191), e.g. overcoming stroke symptoms (Ann, 197-201)
-The students themselves are very welcoming to other learners (Guy, 286-87)
-A family culture often develops (Guy, 290)
-To understand the news (Jimena, Ann, Elida, Janine)
-For better employment (Ann, 286-87, etc.)
-Frustration and feeling that she is stupid b/c her English communication skills are poor (Aida).
-Importance of the teacher's role (Olga, Mimose)
-Adapting to the United States (Ann, line 354)
-Desperate need as an older caregiver to communicate in English w/ the doctors (Celina, Nancy, Ann, lines 192-195)
-Assiduousness of teacher (Elida, Jimena)
-Having a teacher who is more like a coach and mentor, who's walked the walk (Jimena, 298-301; Ann)
-To quit smoking (due to Ann's health literacy lesson) and to do so in English (lines 295-301; 303-304)
-To watch TV & thenews in English (Ann, 359; Elida, Janine)
-To have fun (Pam re: the Dominoes group; Mahjong group/Luis--cognitive memory studies done by Hong Kong; Ann, 449)
-To communicate w/neighbors (Ann 355-370, Ernesto/Olga, Elida)
-To communicate w/merchants (Janine, Ann, Graciela)
-To help teach their grandchildren manners (Ann, lines 284-85)
-For the women, to develop fluency in order to establish a real estate business (Aida, Ann, lines 288-89)
-Economics (Ann, line 288, Myra)
-To improve their self esteem (Ann, Graciela)
-Having a positive mental attitude (Carlos)
-Class's close proximity to home.
-Peer mentors (matching high with low ability level students) (Guy)
-Survival in a foreign country: need for a job or to enhance one's job performance (Orlando)
-Striving to be involved/a part of things, with their teen children (Janine, Nancy--2 tchrs)
-Refusal of family members to teach them (see Nancy, lines 322 & 334; lines 337-339)
-Need help with job application or employment matters (Janine, Lisa )
-Specific grammar questions (Jimena, Nancy, Mimose)
-English Cafe is free and always available (Graciela; Orlando, lines 171-173). BUT JIMENA, AS A TEACHER, FEELS THIS IS A BARRIER.
-Accent reduction (Myra, Lisa...)
-More time now due to family obligations lessening (Myra)
-Need to break out of linguistic isolation (Myra, Ann p.1; Pam, Orlando, Carlos, Aida, Elida)
Barriers to Attendance:
Sporadic attendance due to:
-Linguistic isolation (Myra, lines 174-180), i.e, many other people around who reinforce speaking Spanish-only rather than expecting English conversation (See Carlos, line 436; Aida, Lisa, Myra and Janine)
-Lack of fees charged--no value is placed on the classes (Jimena)
-Not enough opportunities to practice English (Pam, line 223; 496) & not enough classes to attend in libraries during the week (Carlos, lines 451-452)
-Fatigue (Jimena, Guy)
-Fear (Ann, line 417)
-Sense of shame (Ann, line 418)
-Feel unable to adapt to this language & culture (391-92; 402)
-Negative belief that they are unable to adapt to this language & culture (lines 389-90)
-Belief that younger people pick things up faster than middle aged learners (Ann, lines 391-92)
-Loss of self esteem (Ann, lines 372-379)
-Lack of motivation (Jimena, line 409)
-Laziness, lack of interest (Jimena, lines 409-412).
-Lack of library signage (Ernesto)
-Shortage of library bilingual staff (Ernesto, Carlos, Ann [386-90])
-Poor instructions to get to class, once in the library (Ernesto, Carlos).
-Lack of time (Olga, Elida)
-Transportation (Celine, Dilia in Sally's class; Pam, lines 568-585)
-Not having enough English to participate (Pam, lines 590-606) Contrast w/Sandi
-Child care (Celine)
-Slow learning progress (Nancy says of Maria; Orlando)
-Visual impairment (Graciela, age 64)
-Native occupational training is not portable here (Maria, Carlos)
-Criticism of neighbors & younger family members (Nancy, lines 347-350, Elida)
-Sickness of family members/Need to return to native country (see Nancy & Orlando interviews) -Business to tend to in other countries
-Not enough people in their line of work to communicate with in English (Orlando, line 180; Aida-first part of recorded interview; Carlos).
-Employment (Myra)
-Having employment or volunteer work w/only Spanish speakers (Orlando, Carlos, Fred, Aida, Lilia? Olga, Ernesto)
-Learners' school schedules (for this age group?) (Myra)
-Economic status (or "Poverty"-Myra, Ann)
-Large class size (not enough indiv. pronunciation help-Aida, Ernesto, Olga)
Knowledges/Skills Sought:
-Overall English communication skills (Maria R.) , esp. speaking (Aida, Orlando)
-To learn how to communicate w/medical personnel b/c students are caregivers (Mimose, Ann lines 192-195)
-Having conversational practice in class (Elida, Olga, Janine, Graciela, Lisa, Orlando, Aida...)
-Vowel sounds (Graciela, Jimena)
-Pronunication via reading aloud in class (Aida, Orlando, Graciela)
-Dialogue/conversation practice (Olga, Orlando, Celina)
-Writing & dictation (Jimena)
-Listening (Mimose, Orlando)
-Computer classes (Mimose, Aida)
-Accent reduction (Myra's interview)
-Slang expressions (Graciela)
-Idiomatic expressions (Olga, Suzi, Jimena)
-Spelling rules (Graciela, Jimena)
Recommended Improvements, New Services and Programs:
-Create a language learning lab in all of the regional libraries (Carlos)
-Public art design (see Maria's essay #3; Janine's interview)
-Reading program (see Maria's essay #3; Myra, Graciela interviews)
-Cultural interchange of Hispanic customs (See Maria's essay #3; PBCo Library System's 2010
-Hispanic Heritage Month bicentennial celebrations)
-U.S. history & customs class component (Lisa)
-American pop music
-Travelogue to teach U.S. geography (Graciela)
-Academic success (Maria's essay #3)
-Continuing studies (Maria's essay#3)
-Employee-related workshops (Maria's essay #3; see CAL and FL Literacy Coalition websites)
-Recruit 1:1 senior ESL literacy/pronunciation tutors from Century Village (Aida)
-More reading aloud in class for pronunciation practice (Aida, Elida)
-Book discussion groups for Spanish-speakers (Graciela; SWR)
-Add "different levels": a Basic English class and a night class (Aida/PE; Jimena)
-Add night and Saturday classes (Aida, Elida)
-Announce classes on the intercom (Aida)
-Create/make available more flyers and a large poster (Aida)
-Add Health care to the curriculum (Mimose/FLC; Ann)
Learner Sociocultural Supports:
* Teachers and teacher assistants also come to the classes for support from each other (Ann, Pam, lines 271-278).
-Assiduous teachers (constant personal attention)
-Having teachers who are the same age as the Third Age learners or who are older than that, so that a positive role model can be provided (Ann, Sally, Myra)
-Spanish and Portuguese-speaking teachers who have intercultural knowledge and can help students to "bridge" (Jimena, Janine; See Han article) to American culture.
-Support from family member(s) (Celina's 32 yr. old son encourages her and speaks only in English to her).
-The SWR had a Dominoes Group that formed a few years ago. Although English only is spoken in this group mainly because it is a mixed group of learners and teacher assistants and their American friends--the objective is mainly to have fun together (Pam lines 651-662)
-Playing music and studying lyrics is a way to teach culture (Lisa, Nancy)
-Teacher traits: same age teachers who have time flexibility (similar to their students, i.e., for making morning classes available); similar interests (for generating conversation topics, music selections, article topics) (Myra, Lisa); patience & understanding/empathy, assiduousness (Nancy; Myra; Elida; Jimena; Ann; Lisa)
-Have some sort of "Suggestion Box" for students to let teachers know [Give and Take] what they want to learn (Pam, lines 368-383; 392-398).
-Classes are free; attendance is not required (drop-in basis) (Maria R.; Elida; Ann)
-No homework (Ann, etc.)
-Lessons are self-contained (Ann, 206-212; 424-429)
-Availability of classes: morning, evening and weekend class hours at the library
-Previous continuous ESOL enrollment in family literacy program (Graciela)
-Networking opportunities for business & friendship (Graciela, Aida, Carlos)
-Announcing the class starting at certain libraries (PE, Aida)
-Availability of library U.S. Citizenship classes (Graciela)
-Close proximity of the library's E.C. program (Maria, Graciela, Mimose, Ernesto, Olga)
-More signage about the FREE class directly in front of the room where class is being held (Aida, Ernesto)
-More publicity done by the library to the Hispanic and other new immigrant groups (Graciela, Aida, Maria R.), including to the elementary schools (Carlos), but NOT in Spanish unless they are for Basic English classes (Graciela)
-Nonformal conversational language classes offered free of charge are necessary in South Florida public libraries b/c of the many rich and diverse community & educational resources they also contain, and for the day, evening and weekend hours that they are open during the week. They are especially necessary for older learners who are often "linguistically isolated"from the community (ALA, 2008, p. 15). They are living with their adult children whose teenagers may be unable to (or unwilling) to communicate in Spanish. So English across the generations is often the only way that communication in the family is kept open. There are also extensive numbers of these isolated people living in our South Florida communities who are not being reached yet through lack of knowledge and publicity about the library's services-- who could be "transformed into actual customers" (ALA, 2008, p. 14). Outreach and library facility location needs to be optimized; reduction of time needed to access library services and materials, and enhanced community and business partnerships need to be further explored, i.e, as with Hispanic Unity and OASIS (Older Adults Services and Information Systems).
-Working people need support b/c many are not working in their areas of specialization (Graciela, line ; Maria R. who's a lawyer). These classes offer that support.
-Only allowing & speaking in English in the English Cafe (Graciela, Janine, Lisa; Ann/Pam)
-Having a teacher who also socializes with her students (Janine, Graciela, Jimena, Becky, Pam/Ann)
-Having a student-supported coffee break (through rotation of responsibility) (Ann, Sally, Graciela; Pam, lines 229-239) to build community (146-148)
-Library is a place to network to develop business (Aida, Carlos)
-Serving as a volunteer in the library or community at large (Graciela, Olga, Ann K.), e.g., listening to kids read or just listening to the children (Ann, 352)
-Having employment in the U.S. where only English is spoken (Graciela; Elida)
-Attending several different E.C classes w/diff. tchrs at diff. times each week @ same library (Graciela, Carlos)
-The conversational style of the classes (Graciela, Olga; Elida)
-Support from other library personnel (G., Maria; Janine, Hector) (Lack of support, Ernesto)
-Multiple ages are included (Maria R.)
-Library (nonformal setting) is safe (Janine, Guy), i.e., a place where they are held gently to a higher standard of English-only conversation, a place where they can converse in English at whatever their ability level, and also a place where the teachers allow them to learn at their own pace (no strict attendance requirement) (Elida) and style (Janine).
-Small class size at WR (Elida).
Teaching Materials, Strategies, Techniques:
-Volunteers who teach along with Literacy Coordinators (WR before the new LSTA grant)
-Volunteers who co-teach alongside other volunteers (SWR; CP)
-Volunteers who teach under the direction of a Literacy Contact (NOR, NR)
-Asking person next to him in class for help (Carlos, line 239).
-Literacy Contacts who teach without volunteers (BR, DA, LTC, PE, MG, CR?)
-Staying very focused on objective of the class: promoting conversational practice & not trying to be everything to everyone (Ann, 100-101; 266-267; 276-277)
-Using health care as a subject of conversations, lessons & presentations (Ann 302-07)
-Dividing classes into two parts, separated by a social coffee break time (Ann, 138-163)
-Informally and on a once a month, the teacher can announce, s. can add a suggestion or question/comment to a suggestion box that teacher can incorportate into subsequent lessons (Pam)
-Constantly reinforcing the Third Age students with positive affirmations (Ann, lines 400-411; 449)
-culling from books, newspapers & magazines (Ann, 103-111)
-Games (Lisa, Janine, Ann)
-Inspirational/ Motivational themes (Ann)
-Speech making (Myra, Ann+ instruction on non-verbal/body language, 151-156; 439-443) & debate (Ann)
-Reading the book and listening to the audiobook simultaneously (Carlos, lines 360-371): auditory learning style.
-Occasional guest speakers (Ann)
-Small group discussion (Janine, Lisa, Ann, Guy)
-Picture file (Nancy, Ann, 124-130; 134-36)
Supports for Teachers:
-Need to have a printed newsletter to share E.C. news and information (Ann, 254-58)
-E.C. teachers can co-teach together, specializing in grammar, writing & conversation (Pam, Ann, 267-70; 273-74)
-Need to have some kind of teacher training & support (Myra, lines 175-180)
-Ann's offer to serve as a teacher mentor (also Barbara who has done so at NOR)
-Jimena's comment that there need to be teaching reference books available near the teacher sign-in areas (for teachers to borrow); teachers should not have to go searching too far.
-Library's collection of books, magazines, community publications (e.g., Broward Educator), films & children's materials
-Professional library staff (adult & children's)
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