I visited Myra's class and there were 27 students!!! Hard to believe though that only two qualified and both were not longterm students. One, Diego, was actually a Basic English student...I still will meet with both of them, and if anything, I will allow them to write their responses as essays.
My prayer is that HO Branch has the intermediate level students I am looking for. Lord, from my mouth to your ear.
Myra told me in her interview that she has on average 15-22 studnets. There are 8-10 regulars with two in their seventies (Theresa and Ella, whom I interviewed in my pilot study) and the others in their 40's, 50's. Some are in their 20s and 30s as well.
I was surprised that Myra gave me a 35 minute interview in a way, but then again, not. The most revealing thing from this interview is that she gave me a forthright answer to my question regarding the level of support she was receiving as a volunteer literacy teacher--as forthright as my question to her. My question was a spin-off of QIV: How are you informed in what you do? That is, how are you supported or trained as a tutor/teacher?
She proceeded to tell me about her reaching out to Melinda and being told that there was no way such a meeting could be scheduled among her and all the teachers...
I actually need to report this to Vonda, but yet I know what she will tell me--that she is only one person and she cannot grow the LHC's AND continue addressing the needs of the English Cafe based on the staff cuts in the program.
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