Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wed. 11/10/10

Tonight, I heard from Jimena who told me she can check next Wed. on the name of the phonics program. I also sent her her take-home essay questions and told her that they are due next Sat. the 20th.

I called Elida last night to ask her to look over the transcript. She did and she emailed me back some answers about her in-laws. She also sounded very shocked about how lousy her English sounds!!! She thanked me for my patience. I will email her and tell that that is what EVERYONE says. She had no corrections for me.

JoAnn asked me about my research progress and invited me to a Spring FL Lit. Coalition conference in early May. She wants to do something on literacy tutors in the library and is working now on getting IRB. I agreed that I would be too "high" on graduation.

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