Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: Previous education & Less Educated Older Adults

MacArthur Studies of Successful Aging found that people with more years of schooling are more likely to continue high cognitive function. It may also set a pattern well into older adulthood of continued participation in educational activities (Rowe & Kahn, 1998).

However, according to Mehrotta (2003), for those subgroups (Hispanics and Blacks) who are not as well educated, there is a need for more classes on study skills, memory techniques, and learning approaches, which promote more self-regulated Third Age learners. See the comments of Maria and Mimose. This is the way to bridge the gap between the education gap.

Re: Social Support

Jeanne, Pam, and Ann spoke about the socialization that is so key in their classrooms for their students. Rowe and Kahn (1998) outline four ways (652) that social support promotes health in the Mehrotta article (2003--older ed. programs article).

Re: Safety in the English Cafe classes (WE & WR)

Both Jeanne and Gary spoke about the issue of safety in their classrooms. This is one of the first needs in Maslow's (1954) hierarchy of needs.

Re: Positive Feedback

Teacher, Ann K., wrote in her essay as well as spoke in her interview about the importance of giving her learners positive feedback. This is confirmed by research, (i.e., that older adults need more than young adults in order to achieve the same gains in self-efficacy) (Mehrotta, 2003).

Friday, January 7, 2011

Fri. 1/7/11

I was scheduled to go over Aida's transcript today b/c she finally called me on Wed. to say she was finally available to meet with me. I was delighted that she called. However, I called and cancelled about 40 minutes prior to our appointment because I was involved in an employee issue. I am glad that I cancelled because I needed to take care of these things first. I also got a chance to go the FAU Library and pick up to SLA books by Krashen and to get a copy of my revised POS. I got Lave and Wenger's book on Situated Learning also. I read from all three books this afternoon.

I left vb a Skype message on her Skype voicemail saying that I will be needing more time to complete my draft of Chapter 4 and 5 due the work issue above. I said I would be ready to submit the draft by the second week of Feb. (knowing that my week's leave will occur then) I am not sure if she checks this voicemail so I will also leave her an email.

I need to add Aida to my diss. as a learner who did approve her transcript with me personally over the phone.

Sunday I plan on working on my learner codes and themes.